Futurism: re-imagine and re-brand cultural traditions
Student's Will:
Utilize vocabulary-building skills from college-level readings.
Demonstrate reading strategies using college-level readings.
Create and respond to questions that reflect comprehension of college-level readings.
Analyze graphic representations of college level readings.
Conduct exploratory research.
Student Learning objectives (specific performance expectations)
Use context clues to determine vocabulary meanings.
Use word parts to determine word meanings.
Distinguish denotative and connotative word meanings.
Write sentences using vocabulary.
Demonstrate the steps of the reading process.
Determine reading rate.
Adjust reading rate according to prior knowledge of the content.
Demonstrate increased reading stamina.
Identify transitional words in college readings that indicate organizational patterns.
Select appropriate passages from college level readings to support a position
Annotate articles.
Summarize thesis of article(s).
Reformat information to demonstrate understanding
Distinguish fact from opinion.
Read at the college-level on comprehensive exam
Interpret published graphics.
Identify appropriate graphics representations of rhetorical patterned text passages.
Create graphic organizer summarizing class notes.
Determine website purpose, authorship.
Describe the differences in search engines.
Compare information about the same topic from multiple sources.
Describe the decision-making process for selecting an article.